My Blog

Do You Go Hard in the Paint?
Are you a sports fan? I like sports, yet I wouldn’t define myself as a “fan.”

“Write It Down and Make It Plain”
I invite you to reach back in your memory to envision yourself in a “back to school mindset” for purposes of this exercise.

Affirmation vs. Declaration …Say what you mean and mean what you say…
Selecting powerful affirming words is thought to be advantageous, because they can create emotional positive feelings particularly when you proactively create new beliefs about yourself, others and situational outcomes.

UPSKILLING Is One Key To Success In The New World. Have You Begun?
I’m sure you’ll agree that a career in the Workers’ Comp industry wasn’t your thought when exploring career options as your college graduation approached. It wasn’t on my radar for sure!

Know Your Worth, Then Add Tax
You might be wondering how to create a mindset to do to think bigger.

YOU Might Be At A Crossroad...
A crossroad is a place where roads intersect. In life, this typically involves your emotional, mental and spiritual state.

You May Want To Reinvent Yourself If…
You’re finally refreshed and you want to challenge yourself in “living waters.”

Stop Lying...
Most transitions in your life begin following a series of losses, loss of a person, relationship, health, career, etc.

The World Continues To Evolve. Will You?
Obstacles will arise and friends or family may not agree with your new goals. It’s important for you to believe that each step forward, will open your eyes wide enough for clarity to begin to emerge.

Your Soul Is An All Knowing Place Within You.
Your soul is an all knowing place within. Connect to your higher self and access your inner calm.

Workers’ compensation leaders typically review year end results during fourth quarter. This often includes writing performance reviews to present to your teams during the first quarter of the upcoming year.

How Healthy Is Your Mindset?
REINVENTION is a process that begins with self awareness; being honest with yourself. As a leader, when was the last time you checked the health of your MINDSET? How aware of your thoughts are you?

To Fully Live Or To Exist Is Your Choice
At times, everyone’s life changes and while we want to stay ahead of the curve, sometimes situations arise that we didn’t see coming. Well truth be told, some people see situations arising yet choose to ignore them, hoping whatever is going on will magically disappear. Others don’t respond because they don’t know what to do.

Intrinsic Leadership
Great leaders typically live with an innate desire to continually seek knowledge personally and professionally.

Visualize To Materialize
As a leader, I am here to cast light on the opportunity to use the remainder of this year, not only to reflect, but also to create new visions for yourself; personally, and professionally.

As the World Continues to Evolve, Are You Ready ? Is Just Enough, Good Enough?
So much has occurred this year, from the ongoing pandemic, loss of lives and jobs, fires on the West Coast, hurricanes, ongoing social unrest, unprecedented political events and the upcoming presidential election.

Ohhh, #HumanResourcesLeadership… There Is One More Matter...
During the past couple of months, through partnerships with established companies in the US and Toronto, I began to discuss my concerns regarding employees in need of workplace accommodations under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and within EEOC guidelines for reasons unrelated to COVID19.

Post COVID-19 Return To Work
I had the pleasure of appearing on an episode of HR Chat Series #otherfrontline, created by Lauren Ammon, CPC, ELI Master Practitioner and founder of Unlimited Leader Coaching, LLC.

Prepare Now For The Dates Employees In Need Of Accommodations Will Return To Work
Rightly so, our focus is currently on the universal devastation caused by COVID-19, and the unknown future we face as it decimates multitudes of people daily. This invisible, silent beast moves about, in stealth mode, attaching itself to unknowing suspects without regard to person, nor place.

It's Your Choice
As we adhere to the Coronavirus stay- at- home- orders worldwide, it’s clear that people are triggered by the unknown, causing actions ranging from disbelief, hoarding and fear to optimism and reliance upon faith.