How To Have Fewer Missed Opportunities and Regrets
By: Licia Thompson, CPC, ELI-MP Leadership Growth Coach, WorkCompCollege Humanities Instructor & Author
You can stop losing sleep over missed opportunities in 2024.
Let me share a secret with you.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not one who makes New Year resolutions, and here’s why:
· The pressure of adhering to resolutions in some situations can increase the fear of failure or amplify anxiety, limiting your willingness to take calculated risks.
· Some people make resolutions because they’ve been told this is what motivates people.
You can put your mind at ease and “live your life like it’s golden” by trying new ways of doing things, even if you’ve experienced setbacks in 2023.
⭐️Explore your thought patterns with complete honesty. Remind yourself daily that you are in charge of your own destiny. Believing this allows you to become curious about exploring future possibilities.
⭐️Talk less, do more! The dawn of each day provides time and space for you to create a vision and lay a foundation on which you can stand.
Reflect on any obstacles that were present in 2023. Write them down.
→ Were obstacles truly present, or did you make excuses to avoid trying something? Did the thought of it make you uncomfortable?
Here are five strategies to use after experiencing a personal setback in 2023:
Identify what prevented you from accomplishing what you desired.
What can you learn about yourself from your setback that will be beneficial in the future?
Find pictures of your desired future. What do you want it to look and feel like?
Write down any questions you may have about making your vision a reality.
Go question by question to determine to whom or where you can go to get an answer to each of your questions. Write your responses to the questions. Before long, you’ll see progress.
Once you have received the first answer, decide what action you can take to move one step toward your goal. The size of the step isn’t what’s important. The fact that you can take steps forward assures you that you’ll get to the destination you desire.
Until next time, continue to R.I.S.E. ™ Reset, Imagine & Soar with Excellence
I coach leaders to prosper in life & career after a divorce or breakup. Specialized in guiding you successfully through life’s setbacks.
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LinkedIn: Licia Thompson CPC, ELI-MP Instagram: @Licia_Thompson
Facebook: Licia Thompson Certified Leadership Coach
#leadershipdevelopment #growth #motivation #goalsetter #setbacks #growforward #insuranceindustryleadership #personaldevelopmentcoach